Friday, May 20, 2011

Obeying His Commands


Yesterday I was reading the book of Nehemiah. The meaning that I got from it was eventhough he was working for another country God still placed it in His heart to fulfill something that God wanted done. He wanted him to rebuild the wall of Jeruselem. Alot of other Kings heard about his plans and teamed up to destroy what he was doing and the people he brought together to help him. Eventhough he faced may adversaries he didn't take his eye off what God wanted him to do. He understood that God was with him and if he sent him to to get the task done God was going to have his back against anything or anyone.Once it was completed he gave the Israelites the Laws of Moses and put people in charge over them. Guess what readers, they were all for it in the beginning but when Nehemiah left to go back to serve his King, the Israelites went back to their old ways. I guess if they were in our time the should have asked for deliverance. Nehemial did what God asked him to do trusting God the entire way.

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