Saturday, July 9, 2011


Good Morning Readers,

I haven't been on in a while. My computer is all kinds of messed

Have you ever had the same conversation with someone over and over. Its almost like a horrible song playing on repeat. One of my biggest pet peeves is being repetious when I speak. If you are not going to listen to me when I speak..... don't ask. It will save us both alot of time. If I said it the first time and feel pretty adamant about it; then mostlikely my answer will not change. No matter how its worded.

I guess this is where my patience should kick in. But because things like this have the potential of causing me unwanted stress, I say what I feel and change the subject.

Either you believe me or not. Make a decision and stick to it. Stop bringing it back up, especially to me. Move on!!!!!

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