Monday, July 18, 2011


Afternoon Readers,

Love is a great emotion to experience. What people don't seem to realize, love can be the cure to any relationship. Everyone needs love. The greatest love of all is "agape" love. This type of love is what God has for us. His love is unconditional. It will never change or He will never change His feelings towards us no matter what we do. His love is everlasting. Can we share love with everyone?

I've noticed that I do alot and accept alot because of love. I guess when you love someone you accept alot of things. You do things for others that you wouldn't normally do. I wouldn't call that conditional love, but love without limits. Sometimes we set our feelings and emotions aside for the greater good. Without love do you think you can give for the greater good?

Think about it, readers!

Be Blessed.

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