Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Good Afternoon Fellow Bloggers,

I wasn't going to write today but I was inspired by a letter I received from a reader. I wish this person would have posted the comment but it was his/her choice and I'm going to respect it. The comment stated that God does not bless us according to how good we are. Thats true now that I think about it. God loves us regardless of what we do and its His choice whether or not He wants to bless us or allow us to get the things we have.

So know that I got it out of my system yesterday its time to forgive. Thing is I can forgive but I never give anyone the opportunity to do it again. I guess I guard my heart from it by keeping them at a distance. It was suggested that I take this evaluation on walls that can be the reason for many reactions in our lives. My results from the evaluation were true. So now that I know I can pray for God to tear down this wall. I've decided to share it with you. Take the evaluation and find out if its true for you as well.

Inspirational Song

Be Blessed!!

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